Just a BIG KID at Heart


Just a Big Kid at Heart by Josh Honsberger

Get up, get outside, get moving and get to work.

Get up, get outside, get moving and get to work.

At times we feel that we have to follow the most rigid, comprehensive and complex training plan. Most of the time we just need to start. So, start something for yourself.

Although I firmly believe in following and adhering to a properly orchestrated training regime, at times it can be overbearing for some. In this case just do something. Find something fun and enjoyable and start there.

Move at your own pace and under your own will finding freedom, flexibility and enjoyment in the process to re-center yourself. Find enjoyment and be active.

One of my plans of attack at my training is to be creative but also exploratory to see how my training is enhancing my ability to Live a Rad Life. How is it furthering me to be a better version of myself?

What the hell does a Rad Life even mean? That’s up to you to decide. To me it’s having the ability to do what I want to do. Being able to engage physically, mentally and emotionally in all aspects of life. Being able to say YES when my kids want to hike a mountain, play at the park, have somersault contest in the yard or take bikes to the ice cream parlor.

It’s about having the ability to be an active participant in my life and not be shackled or limited by the physical restraints that I put on myself. I am in charge of that state of readiness and ability to perform.  This is not just for my kids it’s for myself, the big kid.

Do not let the youth be wasted on the young. Be young at heart, be willing and ensure to set yourself up to be able!

– Josh Honsberger

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