Setting Yourself Up for a Positive Mindset
Setting Yourself Up for a Positive Mindset – Josh Honsberger
Starting each and every day on the right foot is crucial to having a positive day. Mornings can be rough and days can be daunting but they don’t have to be. Set yourself up for success in whatever the day may throw at you.
For me consistency is key. This can go either way, so I set up a plan of morning action.
- Wake Up Early – Ideally the past nights rest has been 8 hours. Whats early? I choose to awake before the rest of my house comes alive. Before the little one needs a diaper change, kids need breakfast and well before any other obligations might need to be taken care of.
- 24oz. of Water – Immediately upon waking up I use the restroom, splash my face with some cold fresh water, and head straight to the fridge. I immediately consume 24 oz. of cold water. It’s the beginning steps of rehydrating the body after a solid nights rest. Setting the tone for at least a gallon of water throughout the day.
- 15 Minutes of Me – This is part of my “why” as to why I choose to wake up early. This is zero distractions! No phone, tv, computer or even another person. Grab a coffee, water or tea and step outside your four walls into some fresh air. Feel the sun, watch the trees, hear the birds and smell the roses. This is a time that’s quiet and a moment of purposeful introspection and appreciation to be alive! There is no agenda other than enjoying the moment.
- 15 Mins of Movement – Now this will vary from person to person. It is not intended to be exhausting nor painful. This 15 mins is a flow to get yourself moving to start the day. Aiming to work out some kinks from sleeping. Go for a brisk walk, maybe yoga morning flow. I prefer 100 push-ups and 100 body weight squats. This may sound drastic but it works for me. I work the angles of my hips, knees, shoulders, and all I can as I progress through the sets. By the end of my 10th set I feel alive and full of vigor.
- 15 Mins of Writing – This can be insights from your thoughts, reflection of your dreams, or a plan of attack for the rest of the day. For me it varies day to day. Somedays I feel task oriented and others full of thoughts I need to write down. Either way it pen to paper.
At this point I have slept well, hydrated my body, enjoyed nature, moved my body and released thoughts of the mind to paper. The outcome of my day is not guaranteed. For that reason alone is why I choose to align myself and my body the best I can each and every morning choosing to live a rad and happy life.
Josh Honsberger
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